How to Draw a Bubbly Goldfish | Step-by-Step Guide for Kids

FastMaker 24
3 minute read

Hello, little artists! Ready to draw a beautiful, flowing goldfish like the one in the picture?

Have you ever watched a goldfish swim in an aquarium or a pond? With their flowing tails and wavy fins, they almost seem to dance through the water. Goldfish are so graceful, and their bubbles make them look even more magical. Today, we’re going to learn how to draw a beautiful, bubbly goldfish that looks just like it’s gliding through the water.

Dive into Art: How to Draw a Bubbly Goldfish!

Drawing a goldfish can be fun and relaxing. The shape of their bodies and the flow of their tails give you the chance to practice smooth lines and gentle curves. You’ll also get to add bubbles around your fish to make the scene come to life! This step-by-step guide is perfect for kids who love drawing and want to improve their skills.

So, grab a pencil, some paper, and get ready to dive into this underwater art adventure. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have your very own goldfish sketch that you can proudly show to friends and family. Let’s make some waves with our creativity!

Step 1: Draw the Fish’s Body

Start by drawing a long, oval shape in the center of your paper. This will be the main body of the fish. Make the oval slightly pointed at one end to form the fish’s head, and round at the other end where the tail will go.

Step 2: Add the Tail

At the back end of the oval, draw two large, flowing shapes that stretch out. These will form the fish’s tail fins. Make the lines wavy and smooth to show movement. Fish tails often look graceful and spread out, so don’t worry about making them perfect!

Step 3: Draw the Fins

Next, add the fish’s fins on the body. Draw one fin on the top and one on the bottom of the fish’s body, near the middle. These fins should also look wavy and flowy, just like the tail.
Add two smaller fins on each side of the fish’s body, closer to the head. These are the pectoral fins, and they can be smaller and a bit pointy.

Step 4: Add the Fish’s Face

At the pointed end of the body, add a small circle for the eye. Draw a tiny circle inside the eye for a sparkle effect, making the fish look lively! For the mouth, draw a small line or curve just below the eye to give the fish a gentle expression.

Step 5: Add Details to the Fins and Tail

Now it’s time to add some details to make the fins and tail look more realistic. Inside each fin and the tail, draw thin, curved lines that start from the body and go toward the edges. These lines look like veins in the fins and make them appear flowy and delicate.

Step 6: Add Scales and Body Details

To make the fish’s body look even better, you can add small, curved lines along the side to suggest scales. Don’t worry about drawing each scale perfectly—just a few lines will do to create texture.

Step 7: Draw Some Bubbles 

To make your fish drawing look like it’s underwater, add a few bubbles around it. Draw small and big circles near the mouth and body. This makes the drawing look lively, as if the fish is swimming!


You’ve drawn a beautiful fish with flowing fins and a happy expression. You can color it or add more details to make it your own. Great job! 🐟

Let me know if you had fun drawing your bubbly goldfish. Keep practicing, and you’ll be a fantastic artist! ✨

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