How to Draw a Cute Cartoon Mummy

FastMaker 24
2 minute read

Step-by-Step Instructions to Draw a Cute Cartoon Mummy

Drawing a cartoon mummy is fun and simple! Follow these steps to create a wrapped-up mummy with a quirky expression.

Before We Begin…

Grab your favorite pencil and paper, and let’s start with a simple sketch approach. This will be a fun way to add some magic to your artwork!

Step 1: Draw the Head

Start by sketching an oval shape for the mummy's head. Inside the oval, draw two large, round eyes. Make them big and slightly uneven for a funny expression. Add small dots inside the eyes to show the pupils, looking in different directions for a silly look.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Draw a Cute Cartoon Mummy

Step 2: Start the Bandages on the Head

Lightly draw curved, overlapping lines across the head to create the bandages. These lines should go around the eyes but not cover them. Vary the thickness of the bandages, making some wide and some narrow to add interest.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Draw a Cute Cartoon Mummy

Step 3: Draw the Body Shape

Below the head, draw a larger oval or rounded rectangle for the body. Make sure it’s slightly wider at the top and narrower at the bottom to give the mummy a cute, chubby shape.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Draw a Cute Cartoon Mummy

Step 4: Wrap the Body in Bandages

Like with the head, add overlapping curved lines across the body to represent the bandages. Layer the bandages randomly, some at an angle, to make it look like they’re wrapped around the body.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Draw a Cute Cartoon Mummy

Step 5: Draw the Arms and Hands

On each side of the body, draw long, thin arms. These should be wrapped in narrow bandages. For the hands, add simple, cartoonish fingers. Make them look like they’re wrapped in bandages too, with some lines drawn on each finger to show the wraps.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Draw a Cute Cartoon Mummy

Step 6: Add the Legs and Feet

Draw two short legs at the bottom of the body. They should be slightly apart and pointed outward for a cute stance. Add feet by drawing simple, rounded shapes at the bottom of the legs. Wrap them with lines to represent the bandages.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Draw a Cute Cartoon Mummy

Step 7: Final Touches

Add a few loose ends sticking out from the bandages to make the mummy look a bit messy and fun. Darken the main lines around the mummy, especially the outlines of the eyes and bandages, to make the drawing stand out.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Draw a Cute Cartoon Mummy

Step 8: Optional Shading

Lightly shade parts of the bandages to add depth. Add a bit of shadow under the mummy’s feet to show it’s standing. 

And you’re done! Now you have a cute, cartoon mummy ready to go trick-or-treating. This simple mummy is perfect for Halloween-themed drawings or just for fun!

Happy Drawing!

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