How to Draw a Cute Ghost Ice Cream

FastMaker 24
2 minute read

Step-by-Step Instructions to Draw a Ghost Ice Cream

Drawing a a Cute Ghost Ice Cream can be a wonderful experience. This guide will walk you through each step to help bring this enchanting scene to life!

Before We Begin…

Grab your favorite pencil and paper, and let’s start with a simple sketch approach. This will be a fun way to add some magic to your artwork!

Follow these steps to draw a silly, ghost-like ice cream with a friendly face!

Step 1: Draw the Ice Cream Shape

Start by drawing a big, rounded shape for the ice cream scoop. It should be tall and slightly curved, like an upside-down popsicle or oval. Make the top of the shape smooth, and keep the bottom part wavy to show melting ice cream.

Step 2: Add the Ice Cream Cone

Draw a triangle below the wavy part of the ice cream to create the cone. Add a crisscross pattern on the cone for texture. Draw diagonal lines that cross each other to look like the waffle pattern.

Step 3: Draw the Face

For the eyes, draw two small, oval shapes close to each other in the upper middle part of the ice cream. Draw a big, oval mouth below the eyes to make the ice cream look like it’s smiling and having fun. Inside the mouth, add a tiny rectangle for a tooth and a little tongue at the bottom to make it look cute.

Step 4: Add Cheeks and Details

Draw two small, oval blush spots on either side of the eyes. This will make the ice cream look friendly and happy. Add a few tiny circles or dots around the mouth for extra detail, like sprinkles or drips.

Step 5: Outline the Ice Cream Drip

At the bottom of the ice cream, add a wavy outline to show where the ice cream is melting onto the cone. This can be a bit bumpy to look like a dripping effect. If you want, you can add a few extra drip shapes coming down from the bottom for a fun, gooey look.

Step 6: Add Shine and Final Touches

To make the ice cream look shiny, draw a small curved line near the top of the ice cream shape. This will look like a light reflection. Go over your drawing with darker lines to make the outline bold and stand out.

Optional Coloring

You can color the ice cream any color you like—white for a classic ghost, or a fun pastel shade! Color the cone brown or tan, and add pink or red for the tongue. And there you have it! A cute, ghostly ice cream cone that’s friendly and easy to draw. Perfect for a silly treat or Halloween fun!

Happy Drawing!

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